Why PreConstruction?
HCSS introduced PreConstruction (called “PreCon”) about 4 years ago. It did not occur to me why a majority of users should consider using it until recently. The beginning screen (Estimate Setup) has multiple tabs that were originally designed when we all had square screens (yes it is hard to remember that far back). It presents a workflow challenge in getting estimators to update information. PreCon has a central area to see information across estimates to keep track of, for example, the current status of current estimates. PreCon corrects the shortcomings of HeavyBid and then adds features that a server-hosted program could not offer. I see a big push now with companies that focus on private work to track and monitor “opportunities”. PreCon can do this and when the opportunity becomes an estimate all the information in PreCon can flow to the estimate. Now PreCon is not perfect but I think HCSS sees the potential here and will be taking suggestions to improve it.
Here are two links to the HCSS Academy that are past webinars on PreCon.
I will be posting more on this feature in the future. Everybody has access to the free version of PreCon now so you can play with it now and then investigate if it is worth moving to the paid version.