This is my first post of the new web-based contact system, which, if you activate it replaces the internal HeavyBid Business Contact System. Here is the advantage of switching to the web based that resides in Pre-Con. People can access it without taking up a HeavyBid license, so estimating admins and accounting admins can update and add contacts as needed, assisting the estimators. I see a lot of companies and their HeavyBid setup and truthfully the internal contact system is not well maintained. So how it works if activated, when you are in the Quote System and select “System Wide Contact” it will access the web system. If you select a contact, then it copies it to the local where modifications can be made. Now it does not as far as I can tell sync back up to the Pre-Con but I don’t think I would want it to.

Now the disadvantages. For some reason when the web-based system was developed they did not add all the custom fields available on the internal contact system. So evaluate what you have and see if this is going to matter if you migrate. My experience is most companies don’t use the fields anyway but it is worth checking.

I will continue to evaluate this and do further posts. If you are wanting to go ahead and migrate to the web-based contact system just call Tech Support and they will lead you through the steps.