RS Means Indirect Biditems   (File Download)

I took Division 1 from RS Means and created an Excel spreadsheet that is a template of Indirect Biditems. RS Means has a good outline of potential general condition costs and outline in each section details of that cost. This provides some structure to estimators where indirect bid items might require some backup references. From this list activities can be developed in the Master Estimate. I didn’t use some of the sections under Division 1 such as profit which of course is usually not inputted as a Bid Item. Personally I like dividing Indirects into many bid items so that totals can be easily calculated for input into the spread overrides. Not familiar with RS Means? It is a good basic reference for structured estimating and production recommendations. Highly recommended. I would just buy the 2013 Version for a good discount but check the 2014 price first. This should be on every estimator’s book shelf. Be sure to get the right book as they publish different versions. Most people reading this blog would want the Heavy Construction version.

RS Means

I expect some further improvements to this spreadsheet in the future. These bid items can be imported into an estimate using the HeavyBid Exchange feature.