FMI has been around a long time and they are known for their training courses in leadership development. They have resources for training from maximizing labor productivity (they claim 5-10% of annual field costs in savings), business development and risk management. I see a lot of owners in my travels who are self taught in terms of construction management and are searching for new skillsets for both upper management and field management. Tremendous resource and highly recommended from people I know who have used FMI. Their website has past quarterly publications that has free past issues available so you can get familiar with FMI. For example on page 65 of Issue Two -2015 they have a continuation of a series on determining using historical data if a job should be bid. You can see past articles at ARTICLES.   I encourage you investigate the courses they have as well as their consulting services. Those who know will grow (I think I just authored this saying).  FMI Website.   Below is a listing of upcoming seminars and events that you might be interested in.  Highly recommended.
