I am usually in one or two contractors offices a week. I see some using HeavyBid very well and others not so much. The worst cases are the ones I just hear about because the company doesn’t train their estimators on best practices of HeavyBid. Here is my list:

  • Expecting that HeavyBid will fill in the gaps for lack of estimating knowledge (it will help but it is intended for a trained estimator)
  • Not verifying setup data like labor with payroll and keeping labor costs updated (repeat of item 1 but needed to be listed again)
  • Material codebook is full of materials that are not applicable and will seldom if ever be used.
  • Not having an Activity Codebook
  • Estimating team creates biditems and activities by copying from other estimates instead of using the Bid Master Codebook and Activity Codebook.
  • Estimators do not receive any formal HeavyBid training. Then these estimators train new estimators. Misconceptions and errors just compound.
  • Not taking advantage of HCSS technical support. (Best support out there)
  • Not exporting directly from the conformed estimate to the project accounting budget so a correlation can be established for the estimator for cost reports and the estimate.
  • Trying to back into a “market” bid unit price instead of analyzing setup and means and methods.  Also the target bid unit price target is not adjusted also for inflation.  Treating HeavyBid like a magic black box and not verifying setup and results.