With the new Insights a company can see the locations of their estimates on a map (handy when you are looking for a certain estimate) or just pull up a project location inside the estimate on Google Maps. But many projects don’t have addresses or they have not been assigned yet the solution is to use the Latitude/Longitude. So how do you find your projects Lat/Long coordinates? First go to Google Maps and click in the center of the project. You will get in the web browser like below (I used Portland Airport where I am writing this today)

Highlight the Lat/Long but not the “z” coordinate. In this case the Lat/Long is “45.587431,-122.6063171”. Now all you have to do in HeavyBid is go to SETUP>ESTIMATE INFORMATION and paste in the coordinates. It is that easy.


Assuming you have turned on Insights and the estimate uploads to it you can go to Insights and see a map of the estimate locations and have the ability to filter estimates to update the map (Advanced, Comp versions only). Here is a sample map where I clicked on one of the circles representing an estimate.