Comp Version & Star Functions
I didn’t know what to title this but if you have the Comprehensive Version and use Star functions in an Indirect biditem be aware how the star function will calculate. Summary has three options. 1st option, which is the most common choice of HeavyBid users, is where the Summary will reflect takeoff quantity costs. However Comprehensive users have an additional choice. The third option is the Summary will be based on bid quantity costs. I am not going to get into the pros and cons of this third option but be aware that if the third option is active and you have star functions in an Indirect item it will be based on bid quantity costs, not takeoff. It is not wrong but just one of those things that you say “I didn’t know that”. So for example if you had a star function calculating direct labor $ multiplied by a factor for small tools the labor $ will be based on labor calculated on all the direct item bid quantities. Manhour calculations will even be different since again it will be factored to bid quantities. My advice? Make a simple estimate and be sure you know how HeavyBid is calculating the star function resources if you have the third option activated.