Boot Covers

The nice thing about my blog is that I can cover anything. Yep – HCSS pays me nothing. I was in North Dakota recently and hotels required either workers to take off their boots or put covers on them to preserve their carpet. There was a fine if they tracked dirt in. Lately I have been in offices where the carpets or flooring has been ruined due to dirt being tracked in on boots. Especially in areas with snow and lots of clay. Once it is on the floor it turns into fines and then gets airborne so that it coats everything. Now you say “we are a construction company” – I get it but nobody likes working in dirt where everything gets covered and offices I have seen like this there seems to be no effort to keep things orderly and picked up. Your flooring or carpet is going to need to be replaced much earlier than its planned life if you don’t stop the field dirt from coming in. And the ladies that work in the office (and they are mission critical) – they really hate the dirt and dust. I found a link on Amazon for these covers.
Construction is a profession – you and the rest of the team spend a lot of time there so take pride in it.