Incredible Opportunity

As I am writing this all of the HeavyBid trainers are sitting at home. These are a group of impressive guys as they are not only experts in HeavyBid but they also know how to really harness the power of it through setting up codebooks, introducing time-saving techniques and establishing best practices for estimating. As one astute HCSS customer once told me “we don’t know what we don’t know” and the HeavyBid trainers from years of experience know how to correct that. This downtime period will not last forever and once the virus subsides all the trainers will be as busy as they ever have been because of the pent up demand.
Trainers (like myself) are set up to do remote conferencing now and are rapidly becoming experienced in this new mode of training. It is not ideal, but it works. I can’t speak for all the trainers but I am still willing to travel to your office depending on your location. Contact me if you are interested in more information. If you know the name of a trainer (or can describe them to me) I can put you in touch with that trainer. Business will come back and you will want to be ready to tackle the estimating volume while your competitors are overwhelmed and can’t get the quotes out.
Contact me through my contact page HERE or by a comment below.