Returning to the office doesn’t have to feel like hitting the unpause button. This time away can be used to better your company and the estimating department in many ways. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Keep open communication. Hopefully, while you have been isolated you have integrated a new program for communication, whether that be Microsoft Teams (my favorite), Slack, or some other program that lets you work on files while simultaneously chatting via text or video. These programs can help keep accountability, (with checklists) facilitate conversations and meetings, and cloud-based data management. They’re everything you need. Basically, if you’re relying on email for most of your communication, you’re in the stone age of technology. I know for me I am much more advanced now in using Teams and GotoMeeting for HeavyBid Coaching and training.
  2. Don’t let the lessons learned go to waste. This has been an eye-opening experience for everyone and it can be an incredible opportunity for your company to become more efficient. If you’ve had to completely restructure your work, then take the time to improve your workflow. Don’t go back to normal. Normal is gone. Take some time to work out what would have been helpful next time, according to the experts there could be a next time we go into isolation. Be prepared.
  3. If you feel like your estimating load is piling up and hiring a new estimator isn’t an expedient option, then think about bringing in a trainer like myself. As most estimators tell me, they are only using HeavyBid at a fraction of its full potention. HeavyBid training and/or coaching can bring your estimating efficiency up where the busy work is done by HeavyBid and the estimating team can take the time savings and actually plan the work and revise the estimate quickly. As many estimators tell me, “I don’t know what I don’t know.” I’m here to show you what HeavyBid can for you. Reach out to me, via the contact page on my website, and let’s get your company up to speed.