This caught me by surprise but there is a new release of 2020.2. There is some good stuff here. For me having the ability to run an “estimate has changed” in Quote Folders anytime is huge. Before if it did not show up in the quote folder you would have to and change something in tree view (like a quantity or unit price) to make it activate. Try explaining that to a new user being trained who is already like a deer in the headlights! Also some good copy from other estimate features. For Basic Version Users – welcome to the family as now you have all the features of Insights, Archiving, & Production History. Go through all the improvements below (I do not show the list of bug fixes). I think HCSS will be doing a video on this release soon. I just installed it so look for more blogs on this new release.

Major New Features/Updates:

Copy Biditems/Activities Function:

  • An estimate preference has been added to allow the user to select if the value in the folder column will be copied with the resources copied.
  • When copying a biditem to an existing biditem, a preference was added for all the biditem notes to copy over.
  • Modified the copy biditems/activities function to not copy the workers comp code or calendar to the new estimate unless there is an override in place. The copy function will use the destination estimates default calendar and workers comp rule.
  • Added an option to “Use Source Biditem Number” when copying biditems between estimates.
  • Added an “Increment Biditem by X” option when copying biditems as new biditems.
  • Added a “Clear Biditems” option to clear the new biditem numbers when using the copy biditem function.
  • Added an option to “Use Source Subcontractor Rates” when copying Activities with subcontractor resources.

Other Changes:

  • Made a change to the Default Factor Type for Materials in Crews from A (act qty) to C (Crew Hrs.)
  • Added Estimate History, Archiving, Production History, Insights, and the Quote Management System to HeavyBid Basic users.
  • Added the ability to run ‘Estimate Has Changed’ at any time
  • Added the ability to import and export to CSV without Excel being installed on the local machine.
  • Added the ability to handle non-ascii characters during the Export to Excel process.
  • Added the ability to access estimate preferences from an Instance.
  • Add a resource color for “Not in Quote Folder”.
  • Added the ability to allow a user to add a one-line item adjustment in Quote Sheet Adj. window
  • Added 2020 Quarter 2 RS Means data.
  • Added the ability to search by the Biditem number and client number in the Tree View
  • Added the ability to hide subtotals in the Tree View