UGM 2015 Class Notes
I taught three classes at UGM and my notes are detailed enough that you can glean some good information from them even if you were not at UGM this year. If you want the native powerpoint presentation just email me. These notes would be good…
HeavyBid Youtube Help Videos
The staff and I have been working on help videos for HeavyBid. These are quick videos that should help develop new skills in HeavyBid. Eventually this will be linked to directly to the videos when you press Help (F1). Maybe late 2015 but for now…
Quote Folder Adjustments and Bid Quantity/Takeoff Quantity Differences
This is an advanced topic but one that estimators doing large at risk estimates should be aware of especially if there are significant bid quantity/takeoff quantity differences. First there is a setting in Tools>Preferences where you can set if bid quantities are desired to come…
Bond Routine – It Does Work Correctly
In the Summary routine the bond routine calculates the bond on the balanced bid price. It is not basing the bond on the bid price in the pricing screen but instead it is on the balanced price in the Summary. So you might question why it does…