Two Sessions of HeavyBid Open on the Same Computer
I find it valuable occasionally to have two sessions of HeavyBid open at the same time. For example you might have to compare current bid items to a older revision of the same estimate. Assuming you have a multi-user system (will not work for the…
Outline Activities First
Many of HeavyBid users do not use an Activity codebook. Nothing wrong with that but creating one activity at a time you can get lost in the forest because of the trees. Create an outline first of your activities than proceed with filling in the details. First…
Indirect Bid Items Template from RS Means
RS Means Indirect Biditems (File Download) I took Division 1 from RS Means and created an Excel spreadsheet that is a template of Indirect Biditems. RS Means has a good outline of potential general condition costs and outline in each section details of that cost. This…