Version 2023.2 Improvement
I noticed a significant improvement in Version 2023.2 that I never expected. A redesign of the Estimate Information screen. It shows me that the HeavyBid Dataflex version will continue to improve as the rewrite of HeavyBid is underway. I don’t expect to use the new HeavyBid rewrite in my career, but at least, in my opinion, HCSS is committed to improving the current platform.
The improvement to the Estimate Information screen is where the estimate notes are located.

You no longer have to click on the three-dot box, as the notes are always visible. I encourage users to make this the estimate diary or put customer communication notes here. Having it visible always will make me more conscious of utilizing the notes. Also I see in the New Release notes that the length of notes has been expanded. Conclusion: there is no excuse to start putting good information in Estimate Notes.