I have one goal when I train a company. That is the estimators I train will be using HeavyBid when I leave and will continue to do so. The goal is not to show every feature of HeavyBid but to show enough and practice enough that attendees can be proficient in it. I can train a company to use HeavyBid in two days but there are very real and definable benefits to taking a third day of training and even a fourth. The basis for how many training days to take can be reduced to two factors – people’s technical abilities in terms of structured estimating and how much assistance does the company want in the setup of their data sets. For example if I am training someone who came out of the field to be an estimator I am going to have to not only teach HeavyBid but estimating concepts also and this will take additional time during the training. With two days of training I can get most companies through the basics of HeavyBid however here are some of items that I usually cover on the third day:

1. Import of contacts into Vendor/Business system.
2. More detailed discussion and import if possible of data into the Material Codebook.
3. Import if possible or at least start the setup in Excel of the Activity Codebook.
4. Setup of the System Wide Quote Folders.
5. Import/Export Expediate/ BidX Biditems.
6. Setup Invitation to Bid feature.
7. Setup of Word quote document.
8. Additional practice in starting and estimating a project.
9. Cover in more detail Best Practices of Estimating.
10. Best Practices of HeavyBid.

The third day will jump start the implementation of HeavyBid by the additional setup that can be completed. I cover time saving features that will increase efficiencies thus requiring less time to complete an estimate. A third day will give estimators more confidence in using HeavyBid. Even if I just watch a group of estimators work in HeavyBid that is huge in eliminating bad habits early and insure that key concepts have been understood by all. Sure it costs to take a third day but the return of your investment will at least be tenfold if not an hundred. A fourth day allows estimators to work on estimates on their own, apart from the group, and I spend time individually with the estimator watching and giving the estimator suggestions. This is the transition from learning to practical application. In conclusion considering that HeavyBid will become the foundation of the future success of your company be sure all estimators have received enough initial training and the data has been properly setup.