New Basis

There are four new basis calculations in the Summary>Addons in HeavyBid 2015. These are undocumented but fairly easy to follow.

Background: There are two types of calculations in the basis of Addons. The first is the simple % calculation where a total is provided and it is multiplied by a percentage. For example $1,000 x 10% = $100. The second type of calculation is recursive where it does the same but then it multiplies the resultant $100 x 10% = $10, then resultant $10 x 10% = $1 and so on. I have summarized at the end of each new basis type what type of calculation occurs when the box is checked and when it is not.

AC – Cost Addons. This will take all Addons with the box checked as costs and apply the percentage. It can be anywhere in the list of addons and it will apply to all Addons. Be sure you understand how checking the box as “cost” affects the calculation.
Cost – Recursive
Markup – Simple %

AM – Markup Addons. This will take all Addons indicated as Markup (box not checked so it is markup) and apply the percentage. It does not apply against the markup in the Totals tab, only on the items in the Addons list. Like the above it can be anywhere in the list of addons so it will apply to all the Addons that are indicated as markup.
Cost – Simple %
Markup – Recursive

AT – Total Addons. This totals all addons, both cost and markup types.
Cost – Recursive
Markup – Recursive

MK – Total Markup. This is a total of markup from the Totals tab and any addon indicated as markup.
Cost – Simple %
Markup – Recursive

Check these out yourself before using them in an actual bid.