What are some indications that you or estimators you work with need formal HCSS training? I use one indicator to test the depth of  the user’s HCSS knowledge. If the estimator does not know about this feature then I know there are many more gaps in their knowledge. I compare a HeavyBid user to a crane operator. Would you want to want to ask a crane operator what a handle or switch does and they reply that they never have used it and could tell you what it does? Of course not. I compare this to Heavybid because a knowledgeable “operator” of Heavybid is critical to the profit of a company.  So here is the feature – “Change Material and Subcontractor Quantities and Costs“. Not to be confused with the Local Material screen. Looks about the same but very different. If you or estimators have not used this feature then formal training is critical because I know there are many other features they are not using.  The feature I am referring is shown below. Ask around if you work with a group and see if they know what this icon does.