For as amazing as HeavyBid is you can’t run it on a Mac, which is a problemĀ for some people. My son recently came across this problem when he started working for me and here is the solution as well as some advice before adding windows to your Mac.


The people at Apple have a great system already set up to help people install windows on their macs. You can find their step by step instructions HERE.

Their instructions will take you through the process of adding a partition to your hard drive. Once in place, either side of your computer will not be able to access the other. So it is important that you think through how much memory you want to allocate to either side. (50gb is not enough for the windows side, think of 75gb as being the bare minimum.) This partition can be moved later to open up space for either side, but it’s a little complicated and can accidentally wipe out everything on your hard drive (Which is bad). You could also use an external hard drive.

And that’s it, the directions are simple, it takes a few hours to get everything setup. Once up and going every time you turn on your mac you have the option of booting up either side. Unfortunately, once you boot up one side, you have to turn the computer all the way off to get to the other side.

Some things I’ve noticed about running windows on a mac.

  • Windows won’t run perfectly with the hardware of your mac. For example, it runs down my battery faster than the apple operating system.
  • Speakers aren’t as loud as they could be.
  • Screen doesn’t get as bright.
  • I feel less elitist because I’m running windows like a normal joe…