When I am offices of customers using HeavyBid I usually ask what Version they are on? Some have no idea which usually means HeavyBid is not being managed well. But then there are the companies that say they wait a year or two before upgrading to avoid the bugs. At first, this sounds logical and I almost agree with them except for one simple fact that blows away this logic. Like any software today each update address bugs in the previous version. In the latest release of the “Whats New” section for HeavyBid, there is this statement “Various additional error/bug fixes and optimizations”. Therefore with each release bugs are fixed. If your company waits for two years until you update (this is not that unusual) which equates up to four major releases then that is an accumulation of a lot of bugs that have been already fixed that your estimators have to put up with. Recently I was given an agenda by a large company that I spent two days training that was on Version 2016. Over half of the complaints listed as an agenda item were already addressed in the latest version of HeavyBid (and they did update to Version 2019 thankfully). HeavyBid Version 2019 has been out for over six months and no bug fixes have been released. If you don’t want to update just realize your software install has bugs, you just got accustomed to them. My suggestion – reconsider your logic on updating to the latest version of HeavyBid. HeavyBid 2019 is ready to go and full of great new features.