I announced a while back a new service I am offering called HeavyBid Coaching. The concept is that I have up to a 4-hour remote session (as many as needed) with a company using HeavyBid who want to take it to the next level and become as efficient as possible.

I learned a lot from the first session. First having webcams so that we could see each other is huge. It will never replace being in someone’s office looking them directly in the eye, but it was a close second. Neither one of us had anything fancy in the way of webcams but it did the job and allowed us to communicate better than a conference call.

It was obvious in the session that it has to be one on one. This is not meant for groups or for a new user. HeavyBid has to be set up and in use. The four hours went quickly and we covered a lot of ground. I presented screens that my client was not aware of, setups that were not taking advantage of and areas in the master estimate that need attention. Estimators always tell me that they know they only use a small portion of what HeavyBid has to offer and this is a way to quickly ramp up and gain that productivity in HeavyBid you know you want. I think the benefit of this type of coaching is around a 10:1 to 20:1 b/c ratio. In other words, you will get $10 to $20 in return of every $1 invested in coaching. There is not much else you can do in a construction company that will achieve this return on investment. Interested? Contact me HERE for more information.

Screenshot of Coaching Session