Yes this is real and I believe for those who take my advice they can easily add $250,000 (maybe even a million) to their bottom line for a minimum investment with no risk. What do you have to do? Purchase Managing the Profitable Construction Business by Thomas Schliefer, PhD, read it, and put what Dr. Schliefer has penned into practice. The book is a pretty quick read and is full of very practical advice. Some of the ideas I picked up reading this a second time are the following:

  • Distinguishing profit from volume
  • Correct accounting posting of invoices
  • The many ways construction companies historically get into financial trouble (and solutions offered also)
  • Equipment Ownership
  • Overhead and why it needs to be flexible (adjusts to market conditions)
  • Accounting 101 and what an owner or management must understand
  • Financial indicators
  • Best practice for projecting cost to complete for projects
  • and much more

The days are fast disappearing where the harried accounting department is just around to pay the bills and put together year-end reports and tax statements. “A necessary evil” is what I hear at many companies however where the accounting department is part of construction management these will be the companies that will survive the next downturn.

Currently on Amazon, the cost of the book is around $56. Highly recommended. LINK