Fields to Populate in HeavyBid
I am seeing a lot of estimates recently where estimators are not filling in critical fields in the estimate setup. In NEW ESTIMATE>ESTIMATE INFORMATION on the first tab the location of the project address should be filled in or if there is no address the LAT/LONG of the site. If you are using Insights then this will populate the map of all the estimates which is really useful when trying to find an estimate you did in the past in an area. You can get the LAT/LONG off of Google maps. The second field is the Estimate Notes. This is a great area to put notes that are the estimator’s diary of the estimate. This will communicate critical information later to project managers and also serve as reminders when you have to revise the estimate many months later. I suggest in the Master Estimate to type in some headers for information that the estimators have to type in. The last is the bid date. This is critical for two reasons. In the OPEN ESTIMATE the Bid Date is a field that the list can be sorted on. It can be also queried as a range in REPORTS>MORE>CROSS ESTIMATE ANALYSIS report. Yes I know estimators are in a busy but these fields go a long way in finding critical information on the project.