When I started showing this feature I was surprised how many contractors can use this, especially ones that quote work to the power and utility companies. I have been in trainings with estimators practically give me a standing ovation when I teach them how to use it. What is component pricing? Usually, it is a form the client provides with biditems where the resource categories (Labor, Material, Equipment, and maybe Other) are required to broken out into its components complete with markup. If you have to do this in Excel it is really a painful process and very time-consuming. The routine is an example of elegant programming that was actually started by HCSS founder, Mike Rydin, and then finished up by the talented HeavyBid team. HCSS could have just kept it simple and allowed only unbalanced unit prices but the programmers went the distance and if the price is unbalanced there are options to spread the unbalanced amount along with many other spreading options.


Carefully evaluate the settings. The Components in the upper left are what the client requires to be quoted. Match the resources to the components. Spread options are at the bottom.

Getting it to Excel (that is the only option) is easy. EXCHANGE>EXPORT>MORE>COMPONENT PRICING TO EXCEL

Here is what the export looks like in Excel

Component Pricing in Excel

I did a short Youtube video on this: LINK