If you are new to quote folders there are a few settings that you should consider setting up. These are user specific so everyone on the team would have to do this individually. Go to Quote Folders and enter on an existing quote folder for a sub or make a new one. Be sure to have a subcode selected so when you click on add resources you get screen shown below. You want “Biditem” description at least if you are a DOT type contractor or bid public work although this is not a hard rule. Usually the biditem description is going to be much more descriptive of what the sub is quoting.

Other settings will give you more information on the screen. For example you don’t want to have to go to the bottom of the screen to see quantity when you can see it for all the items in its own column. In the Quote Folder screen go to the bottom right and click on “Options” and then “Display Options”. Below are my options that I check.

Here is a Youtube video on these settings.

Here are links to two videos on HCSS Acadamy on the subject as well.


