I have been doing a deep dive back into HCSS Plans. First, I had a misconception that it was a product managed by a non-HCSS company that is marketed by HCSS. Not correct at all. It is an internal product with an HCSS software team headed up by John Bradshaw. I have dabbled in the product some in the past and used it to takeoff quantities for a change order estimate I did several years ago. The second misconception I had is that it is a product more for the field and not for estimators. Now that it has “count” and the ability to summarize by layer I could use Plans for quantity takeoff. It can even do end area earthwork calculations. At least for a gateway takeoff system I think Plans is worth considering and the cost is much more reasonable than many other of your takeoff software packages. And here is the kicker. Coming is integration between Plans and HeavyBid. Think update a takeoff on a sheet and it sends the revised quantity to HeavyBid. And Plans is integrated with the field with HeavyJob.

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