System vs. Local Files
To really understand HeavyBid you have to understand the difference between System Wide Files and Local files. In the video from HCSS Academy (you will have to log into HCSS Academy) it explains this however it refers to the Local data files as what is…
Component Pricing in HeavyBid
When I started showing this feature I was surprised how many contractors can use this, especially ones that quote work to the power and utility companies. I have been in trainings with estimators practically give me a standing ovation when I teach them how to…
HeavyJob Data Review in HeavyBid
Have HeavyJob? Do you have it connected to HeavyBid so the estimator can see production data? I have often connected HeavyJob to HeavyBid at customers’ offices and they are amazed. It is an excellent tool for estimators when they set productions and they can drill…
See Quote Management in PreCon
If you have project managers or other estimators that want to see selected vendors and subs in an estimate can now in PreCon. Eliminates having the estimator printing out reports and saves time, and provides critical information. Here is Help article on the subject LINK…
Risk Analysis in HeavyBid
If you have the Comprehensive System, you have a Monte Carlo risk analysis module (introduced in 2019). It is not for every project, but where it can be beneficial is design-build and any large complex project where production and costs could vary and you want…
Estimate Setup Information Notes
For new users I train I usually setup their Master estimate prior to my arriving at their office. To encourage them to use the note field I put the following notes (see below) in the pre-build master. Many users ignore the Lat/Long fields or Address…
Coding HeavyBid Codebooks -Material Codebook
This blog can be broken down into two parts. Part 1 is a video showing my method of quickly and easily code a material or activity codebook. In the video I show how I code the material codebook but the concept can be applied to…
Vendor Solicitation Module
Back in 2018 the HeavyBid team rolled out this new module. It has gone through a few more updates so I thought I would assemble videos on the subject. If you are not using any 3rd party system now for tracking communications this is a…
Good Videos on HeavyBid
The other day I organized some links for a company that I did some remote training with. I thought these might be useful to others so here they are: Be sure you can log onto HCSS Academy for some of these.
Change Order Feature
In the July 2024 HCSS HeavyBid webinar, Aaron Allshouse covered this new feature. If you have not checked out the monthly webinars, especially for 2024, you need to do so. LINK What the function does is export to accounting only the changes in the estimate…