Activity Codebook Course
HCSS Academy has a new course out that was done by Gary Kercher, one of the HeavyBid trainers. Gary does an excellent job addressing a difficult subject as he guides the viewer on how to develop an activity codebook. If you have ever had Gary…
Equipment Economics
I see in my travels that determining what to charge for an owned piece of equipment is by far the one resource cost that everyone finds hard to calculate and the cost that there would be the most disagreement about. I see too many companies…
Equipment Rate Calculations by USACE
The Army Corps has a pretty good methodology in calculating equipment rates. While the intent of their manuals is for purposes of determining costs for change orders it does give a good basis of calculations for any contractor even if they don’t do Corp’s projects….
Optional Estimate Description Field
I have to be upfront on the field that everybody sees when they create an estimate but usually ignore it. The field I am referring to is the “optional description” as shown below. I too in training pretty much ignore the field but while the…
Engineering Magazines, Trade Journals, and Forums
For a FULL list of engineering magazines and journals go HERE. I pulled a few of my favorites from the list. ENR: Engineering News Record. My favorite. Not too dense, easy to read, and features a wide variety of U.S and International jobs that are…
New Pricing Structure
HCSS has just rolled out its new option for its many software products. This is the SAS model (Software as a Service) where a company is paying a monthly usage fee as opposed to purchasing the software which requires a much larger one-time outlay. For…
HeavyBid Cloud Help
I took most of the Cloud articles found on the online HCSS Help website ( and assembled them in a single page document. To link right out to the article press the Control key first then click on the link. The very first article is…
HCSS Product Offerings
This is really cool. A quick way to review all of HCSS product offerings. Highly recommended to just go through this entire presentation. I know clients who spent a lot of money elsewhere to only realize that HCSS has that product, and a better one…
Why Understanding how to calculate the Inverse of the Number is Important
In analyzing productivity it is sometimes better to look at the number in its inverse value. Don’t know what the Inverse is? Pretty simple and important math function to know. So let us say you have a number like 1000. What is its inverse? 1/1000…
Productivity Course
I have posted this before but since it is so important to understand in estimating productivity factors I felt compelled to post this again. Crew based production can be calculated in many ways and this course covers all of them. I am always surprised when…