Prepare HeavyBid for the New Year
With the Christmas break drawing near now is a good time to prepare HeavyBid for the new year. Here are some suggested tasks. 1. Create a new master estimate by copying the former one. This will be your Master Estimate for 2015. 2. In the…
Two Sessions of HeavyBid Open on the Same Computer
I find it valuable occasionally to have two sessions of HeavyBid open at the same time. For example you might have to compare current bid items to a older revision of the same estimate. Assuming you have a multi-user system (will not work for the…
Delete Multiple Resources in Crews and Tree View
Sometimes I forget about useful shortcuts in HeavyBid. Yesterday in a training for a company already using HeavyBid one estimator reminded the group that you can right click in Modify Crew Screen and then click the boxes of the labor/equipment to quickly delete multiple resources….
HeavyBid Internal Spreadsheet
If I was asked what feature of HeavyBid is under utilized by users the answer would be easy. It is the internal spreadsheet found in SETUP>SPREADSHEETS (located on the System side). This spreadsheet program is Excel like but is very efficient and can be linked…
Portable 2nd Laptop Monitor
For you road warriors like me that have to work on their laptops when travelling but are spoiled with a second monitor back in the office. You can still have a second monitor! Here is a photo of my portable monitor…
What are CSI Codes?
One of the new features of Version 2014 is that you can set up bid items with a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). Of course this could be your own WBS or an agencies but CSI codes are a form of a WBS. Lately I have…
2015 HCSS User Group Meeting
Start planning to attend the UGM event. Your choice of sessions are January 28-30 or Feb 19-21. Sign up for the UGM update so when the information is available you are notified by HCSS. You have the opportunity to learn new skills but I just…
Outline Activities First
Many of HeavyBid users do not use an Activity codebook. Nothing wrong with that but creating one activity at a time you can get lost in the forest because of the trees. Create an outline first of your activities than proceed with filling in the details. First…
Microsoft Office 365 – Highly Recommended
I have used Microsoft 365 for a year now and I heartily recommended this solution for email, collaboration and of course Microsoft Office applications. It is far superior to Google’s email and frankly just more professionally executed in terms of security and design. First each…
Customizing the Look of Tree View
I know when estimating my eyes after a long day have trouble distinguishing between the biditems and activities. This is especially true when the biditem numbers are large (like in JV estimates) and they resemble the activity codes. There is a user setting so that you…