Estimate Setup Information Notes
For new users I train I usually setup their Master estimate prior to my arriving at their office. To encourage them to use the note field I put the following notes (see below) in the pre-build master. Many users ignore the Lat/Long fields or Address…
So You Don’t Really Want the Project
Everyone knows the scenario. You are obligated for whatever reason to quote a project, but you don’t want it or don’t have the time or resources for it. I have had HeavyBid users tell me that they slow down production for the crews (so the…
Where are the Calculations?
I see a lot of estimates in HeavyBid in my travels. From my perspective estimators, today juggle more tasks than ever before. One quantification of a good estimator is they take their responsibilities seriously and while there is a shortage of estimators the ones I…
(Video) Viewing Margin in HeavyBid
In the main screen of Summary HeavyBid calculates profit using Markup which is a percentage of cost. This will never change but there are ways to see and even calculate profit using Margin which is the percentage of the price. I have finally decided on…
Managing HeavyBid Part 4
One of the subjects that I emphasize over and over in my training is the difference between “Local” data files and “System” data files. You cannot manage HeavyBid properly if you don’t understand the underlying architecture of it. The design is brilliant (thank you Mike…
Basic Skill – Backing up an Estimate
If I was asked to come in a quickly evaluate an estimating team, one of the first things I would ask an estimator is to backup an estimate and email it to me. Simple but a fundamental skill that all HeavyBid users need to know….
Why Understanding how to calculate the Inverse of the Number is Important
In analyzing productivity it is sometimes better to look at the number in its inverse value. Don’t know what the Inverse is? Pretty simple and important math function to know. So let us say you have a number like 1000. What is its inverse? 1/1000…
HeavyBid Info Sheet
Here is a small project I have been working on. Intended for new users as a basic one page information sheet but I will expand it to include information (on another sheet) for more advanced users. Fink it on the link below LINK
Estimating course on LinkedIn Reviewed
*Written by my son and employee whom I refer to as Minion (William Nix). I found Christopher Randall’s construction courses on LinkedIn. His beginner course is approximately 45 minutes long and broken up into three sections: Learning Construction Estimating, Construction Estimating Takeoff, and Construction Estimating…
Stop Right Now & Setup Your Credentials
This really drives me crazy as an HCSS Trainer. Even before HeavyBid is installed for new HCSS customer estimators should be set up for each estimator. It is that important! It allows estimators to get in the HCSS Academy and start watching videos on HeavyBid….