Total Shifts for an Estimate
In training of new users, I often get the question “where are my total shifts?” Now the question is framed where total shifts will be the duration of the project. If the project is small and there is only one crew on the project then…
Attached Documents
The subject of where do the attached documents reside was discussed among the HeavyBid trainers the other day. A preview of the attachments or links is not printed out with the cost report however if you want to see where they are located it is…
Optional Estimate Description Field
I have to be upfront on the field that everybody sees when they create an estimate but usually ignore it. The field I am referring to is the “optional description” as shown below. I too in training pretty much ignore the field but while the…
Revised Checklist
I have gone back and revised my previous Excel spreadsheet for importing into HeavyBid to setup the Checklist feature. On a recent HeavyBid update the Checklist is now floating, that is it can be opened up and used while in the TreeView for example. Refer…
Favorites & Opening HeavyBid Tab Options
Want a quick way to get to your frequently used HeavyBid routines? For example, when I am training a new customer I am constantly making them go to Tools>Preferences>…… But with Favorites on the Ribbon Bar, I got right to the routine they need. Such…
Holding Accounts & Self Perform Work
This is one of those blogs that probably most estimators using HeavyBid won’t know what I am talking about but there are those users that setup Self Perform work with Holding Account activities. So if the sub is selected more than likely the holding account…
HeavyBid in Dark Mode
I was at a customer site and one of the people I was training asked if HeavyBid had a “Dark” mode. If you don’t know what “Dark” mode is, it was recently rolled out for IOS (Apple) products. What this mode does is reverse the…
Fields to Populate in HeavyBid
I am seeing a lot of estimates recently where estimators are not filling in critical fields in the estimate setup. In NEW ESTIMATE>ESTIMATE INFORMATION on the first tab the location of the project address should be filled in or if there is no address the…
How to access the NEW Pre-Construction App
I have been seeing a lot of interest in the new web app HCSS is rolling out which will assist you in tracking potential projects. It was introduced at the last UGM. You can try it out now for no cost, but the catch is you…
Check Estimate in HeavyBid
At least 50% of the existing HeavyBid users that I train do not use (or even know about) the Check Estimate query. Here are some things that this will find for you: Priced biditems that are priced less than total cost Priced biditems that are…