Risk Analysis in HeavyBid
If you have the Comprehensive System, you have a Monte Carlo risk analysis module (introduced in 2019). It is not for every project, but where it can be beneficial is design-build and any large complex project where production and costs could vary and you want…
Estimate Setup Information Notes
For new users I train I usually setup their Master estimate prior to my arriving at their office. To encourage them to use the note field I put the following notes (see below) in the pre-build master. Many users ignore the Lat/Long fields or Address…
Coding HeavyBid Codebooks -Material Codebook
This blog can be broken down into two parts. Part 1 is a video showing my method of quickly and easily code a material or activity codebook. In the video I show how I code the material codebook but the concept can be applied to…
Vendor Solicitation Module
Back in 2018 the HeavyBid team rolled out this new module. It has gone through a few more updates so I thought I would assemble videos on the subject. If you are not using any 3rd party system now for tracking communications this is a…
TXDOT – 2024 Codes
For all you TXDOT contractors out there you are probably aware of the new code structure TXDOT issued. Not all the codes changed. This file that can be downloaded below has two levels (1 and 2) and organizes the new codes for importing into HeavyBid….
Classic Export to Accounting – Bye Bye
I know there are a number of HCSS customers are still using the Classic Export to Accounting (and HeavyJob). This export has not been updated in many years but some customers for whatever reason are still using it. This will be removed in Version 2026…
HCSS Plans – Time to take a Look
I have been doing a deep dive back into HCSS Plans. First, I had a misconception that it was a product managed by a non-HCSS company that is marketed by HCSS. Not correct at all. It is an internal product with an HCSS software team…
Takeoff Integration in HeavyBid 2024.1
In the latest version of HeavyBid (2024.1) there is a new takeoff integration that I just happened to stumble upon an article on it. Yep – even trainers have to search for this stuff. Check this out this article with a link to video. I…
HeavyBid Version 2024.1
Version 2024.1 was released last week. I always like updates. This one is a significant one with some cool features, but I am still figuring them out. The major features are: Also PreCon has a new feature which I just tried out yesterday. You can…
Internal Spreadsheet Lesson 1
I just finished Lesson 1 on the internal spreadsheet in TreeView. I think estimators underutilize this feature, and a few simple improvements could really be a game changer. This lesson covers the history of calculations in HeavyBid. LINK