Takeoff Integration in HeavyBid 2024.1
In the latest version of HeavyBid (2024.1) there is a new takeoff integration that I just happened to stumble upon an article on it. Yep – even trainers have to search for this stuff. Check this out this article with a link to video. I…
HeavyBid Version 2024.1
Version 2024.1 was released last week. I always like updates. This one is a significant one with some cool features, but I am still figuring them out. The major features are: Also PreCon has a new feature which I just tried out yesterday. You can…
Internal Spreadsheet Lesson 1
I just finished Lesson 1 on the internal spreadsheet in TreeView. I think estimators underutilize this feature, and a few simple improvements could really be a game changer. This lesson covers the history of calculations in HeavyBid. LINK
Web-Based Contact Management System
With version 2024.0, you can export all your contacts in HeavyBid’s Business Contact System to the web-based “Contact Management” system. I am not going to get into the pros or cons of this migration in this blog, but this is an excellent help article that…
V2024 HeavyBid Available
Version 2024 is now available. There are some notable new features, but as it is a new version, common bugs and annoyances have been fixed. One new feature is the ability to search for resources in Tree View on the View Pane. Pretty cool. Go…
Video on PreCon Web App
Many customers do not know they have access (for about five years now) to a web app that will be a central point for the estimating effort. When an project opportunity arises, where are you going to put information like customer, bid date, required pre-construction…
2025 User Group Meeting (UGM)
UGM 2024 was exceptional, and having attended all UGMs back to 2011, this was the best yet. Interested in the next UGM? Click on the link below and sign up for notifications. HCSS is not going back to the two-week format, so the slots will…
Updated One Page Info Sheet
For 2024 I updated what I call my “cheat sheet” that I use in my new customer implementations. It has the basic concepts of HeavyBid and the new updated direct phone number for HeavyBid Tech Support. Link
Version 2023.2 Improvement
I noticed a significant improvement in Version 2023.2 that I never expected. A redesign of the Estimate Information screen. It shows me that the HeavyBid Dataflex version will continue to improve as the rewrite of HeavyBid is underway. I don’t expect to use the new…
Youtube Video – Options for importing in Biditem Descriptions for the DOT Contractor
Frequently DOT’s have a longer character length of 50 characters for the biditem description. Anything over this length will get truncated in HeavyBid. The issue is critical information can be truncated as it falls at the end of the description. In Tools>Preferences>Estimate>DOT Import there are…