HeavyBid Internal Spreadsheet Part 2
The internal spreadsheet is actually a third party software called SpreadsheetGear. To see a complete list of its capabilities go to this LINK. I recommend that you take a look at this website to at least see that it is a very capable product and…
HeavyBid Internal Spreadsheet Feature – Part 1
I really like the internal spreadsheet HeavyBid offers. It is a third party software called Spreadsheet Gear and for most users it is very Excel like in features and usability. I am going to start a blog series on using this spreadsheet and how it will…
Mapping Location Tools for Non-Surveyors
For either pre construction or during construction it is a huge advantage to “trust and check” a surveyor’s work but most estimators don’t have extensive survey experience do ground checks with the today’s complicated survey equipment. Maybe a road job and you are not sure…
System Wide and Local Files – Know the Difference!
There are two types of data files in HeavyBid. Local files that reside in an estimate that typically are setup in the Master Estimate. Then there are System Wide files like the Material Codebook and Activity Codebook. To truly understand HeavyBid an estimator must know the difference…
Fix Your Productivity Information in Tree View
It is not unusual when I review a HeavyBid setup for a company that has used HeavyBid for a long time that some of the Activity Productivity Categories are blank. This is a system wide setting so probably someone was trying to change a productivity…
HeavyBid for the New Year
I am going to defer back to a blog post I did at the end of 2014 on preparing HeavyBid for the New Year. I do want to emphasize the Best Practice of using a new master estimate for the New Year (and not use…
ASAP Utilities – Excel Addon
A majority of the HeavyBid contract trainers use this addon for Excel. I use it frequently and it is one of those $50 programs that will return many $1000’s in time savings. I just updated to the latest version and added one more license. Highly recommended and…
HeavyBid Cloud Keyboard Shortcuts
I really like the HCSS HeavyBid Cloud version but for users it can be frustrating navigating the Cloud since keyboard shortcuts are different than your windows environment. Below is the equivalent Cloud keyboard shortcuts that will assist you to navigate inside Cloud apps.
Network Issues – Open Files
If you are having performance issues on your network with HeavyBid, you should check to see of you have any open HeavyBid files on the server. These can occur when there are issues with the HeavyBid update install or a variety of other ways but…
Display Option-Don’t Show Resources in View Panel
New users have a tendency click on every drill down “+” symbol they see. In the Tree View on the view side you have the option (user preference) to now allow resources to be displayed in the view side of the screen. Here is the issue….