HeavyBid Version 2022.0 Released
This was just released but I suggest you wait two to three months to update to this latest version unless some of the new features you find compelling enough to upgrade immediately. I will do a video soon on the new release if HCSS does…
Colors in Tree View
Most estimators spend a lot of time in the Tree View screen so take advantage of some of the customization you can do in the way of colors. One way is to add a color block to distinguish between resource types. An example is below:…
Signs that Estimating is off the Track
In my many trainings, I have learned there are certain warning signs that if not recognized can snowball and affect your company’s profit. Here is a list that I have put together based on my experience. They are by no means ranked in importance. Master…
Quote Folder Automation – Youtube Video
Here is an excellent video done by Aaron Allshouse with HCSS. There are videos on the Academy also but Aaron is one of the best in terms of general knowledge of HeavyBid. I don’t see why companies don’t have quote folders set up to generate…
Managing HeavyBid Part 3 – Checklist for a New Year
This comes from a blog I did a while back with a few updates. I always like to do a blog on a checklist in the New Year for estimating teams. This is not a complete list but perhaps this will make companies really start…
See HJ Timecard in HB
I saw this in the new HCSS Roadmaps in the HCSS Apps Dashboard of a new upcoming feature. The estimator will be able to drill down into the actual timecard in HeavyJob to see more details of the production numbers that he sees in the…