St. Pete beach.

I have had a dream for a couple of years now to offer a training in Florida near my house where estimators can train during the day and then enjoy the beaches and atmosphere of St. Petersburg with their families (or simply as a company) at night. St. Petersburg has fantastic beaches (I go swimming on them all the time), a great downtown and some of the best museums in the world.

Disney World

PLUS being only a two-hour drive from Disney means that when training is done, then the estimators can join their families for a weekend at THE GREATEST theme park in the world. This opportunity allows you to treat your employees WHILE they receive important estimating training (Saving you money in the long run) AND then they will be able to treat their families to a magical time at Disney. It’s a win-win .

Pricing – Everyone is budget minded, but I know the training benefits will far exceed the costs. Unfortunately, I can’t give you a number without knowing some details and dates desired. Hotel prices fluctuate depending on the time of year as do plane tickets. Let us start a dialog to plan taking HeavyBid to the next level for your company.

Contact me today through my contact page here, and we can start discussing details.