Checklists are a good way to keep different checklists running for the estimating team for an estimate. Like anything else in HeavyBid to really make use of this tool, you need to add and customize the checklists beyond what comes with the original HeavyBid install. In the short YouTube video (link below) I covered how to import checklists from Excel and a few of its features. If you have not looked at it in a while there are more custom fields and filters so you can add some criteria on what is visible (Filters)

Link Youtube The video is also posted at the bottom of this blog post.

Here is the link to download a sample spreadsheet that can be imported using Exchange>Import from Excel. I highly recommend that you customize this spreadsheet before importing.


I included a few screen shots of the checklist and available options

Sample Checklist – You can have as many Checklist sections that you need
Custom Field Name Options (Flag1 is a checkbox)
Ability to Filter what is and what is not displayed