It seems that lately I see a lot of Basic Version new purchases. Basic is a great fit for a very small company, maybe less that $1 or $2 million in yearly revenue. I thought of another test the other day. Here it is. Does your company have GPS controlled equipment? If it is it shows that your company has made two investments – sizable monetary ($) one and a technical investment. My opinion is that if a company has made that step then it certainly has the level of sophistication that would require the Advanced version of Heavybid. And the amount of features added in Advanced is staggering especially now with the Insights feature. I really can’t see how you could justify a multi-user Basic system and forgo the ability to search across estimates for a biditem or activity. You just can’t. If you have Basic it might be perfect for your company but it doesn’t hurt to investigate the added features of HeavyBid.