For a FULL list of engineering magazines and journals go HERE. I pulled a few of my favorites from the list.

ENR: Engineering News Record. My favorite. Not too dense, easy to read, and features a wide variety of U.S and International jobs that are fun to read about. I’m sure you’ve heard about it, but if you haven’t checked it out in a while then I recommend returning. They have grown considerably beyond simply an engineering news magazine.

A close second is Civil Engineering. My background is in civil engineering and I subscribed to this publication for years. Like ENR, it has evolved beyond being a simple publication by providing a community for engineers with Elearning courses, conferences, and online communities. I only read it for the articles, but you might find its other offerings more useful.

Mechanical Engineering. Not many of my readers have anything to do with mechanical engineering so I won’t say much. But the magazine has a lot of great issues that cover topics like, offshore drilling, pump & systems, (and my favorite) Nasa Tech Briefs. They offer a lot of free issues on their website.

New Engineer. This is more of a blog and forum than a magazine. They offer classes, job opportunities, scholarships, events, and advice. Their advice section is simply more pointed articles about whether or not certain career options are a good idea or not. Very interesting. If you’ve never heard of it then I recommend checking it out.

Worthwhile mention: Popular Mechanics. It’s a classic. We all know it and love it. It’s gotten a little thin over the years, but it still has a lot of great content and is fun to flip through on the couch. Plus you can read a lot of the articles for free with your prime membership.

Let me know if I missed any that are worth mentioning.