See the Future!
Your company is heavily invested in one or more HCSS products. My experience is most customers have at least two HCSS products in use or at least under consideration. So shouldn’t you be aware of new features coming so you can better prepare for them? You can now as HCSS is posting a new or improved feature roadmap to HCSS customers on your page. Click on the “HCSS Roadmaps” to navigate to the page where you can click on your HCSS product and see the roadmap to the future. What software companies do this? None other than HCSS that I am aware of. And if you go to the HeavyBid section you will see that they are working on being able to drag from an Instance to your estimate. Now they do clarify that everything listed is subject to change but that is fair. See the screen shots below:

I am impressed with this feature and hopefully will get users more involved in making sure they are using their software products to their fullest potential.