I find that existing HeavyBid users rarely have the above setup or if they do they don’t take the time to add the necessary information like product codes to really make the system useful. This YouTube video combined with the downloadable Excel spreadsheet will assist any user in getting this setup. Here are some reasons to get it set up and set up correctly.

  1. The first reason to do this is for the Quote System so that subs and vendors can be quickly located and brought into the folder.
  2. Then for the new solicitation system so that invitations can be sent out quickly and easily.
  3. Finally, there are various modules that use the contact system to quote prime contractors.

To assist you I have have a spreadsheet that is downloadable that will lead you through the various imports necessary for this database. Along with that I did a Youtube video. LINK

LINK (to Excel Spreadsheet)

I call this one of the “low lying fruit” databases. Fairly simple to set up and a high return for the effort. Too busy to do this yourself and you rather keep your estimators focused on estimating? Consider letting EWKS (my company) convert your raw data to a fully operational business contact system. Make setting this database a priority. 

Here is the link to the video.