11 Years ago I flew to Houston to interview the HCSS to restart my career as a contract HeavyBid trainer. I previously was a trainer from around 1990 to 2000. So in 2010 HCSS had 100 employees which was astounding to me. And there was only one building on the campus. Today there are three buildings and over 350 employees. I didn’t train full time at first did some consulting estimating on the side but eventually training became full-time occupation for me. I hired my son a few years ago as I am trying to assist companies more with post-implementation and this is still a work in progress. I enjoy the travel and meeting new people and contractors are the best. I know my blog has helped many estimators and this year I am going to expand my Youtube channel to cover more subjects. Just a few weeks ago I held the first-ever forum by a non-HCSS employee on HeavyBid. There weren’t many of us but that wasn’t the point. We all had a good time. I hope to hold more of these. So stay tuned – more to come.