This is my first blog on PreCon! When you set up PreCon, there is a choice for which direction you want the data to Sync. At first glance, you might think it is evident that the preference should be that HeavyBid should be the preference. That is, data fields from HeavyBid (like Status) would update PreCon. However, thinking about this, it depends on the situation. Below are the basis of the two choices:

  • Preference – HeavyBid. This would be the choice if the estimators are on a relatively large estimating team and the team leader wants the estimators to update the fields so the leader when in PreCon and knows the fields are being updated updates by the Team. The Team Leader doesn’t know the data input fields, so he lets the estimators update the fields he is tracking in PreCon.
  • Preference – PreCon. This would be the choice for a couple of reasons. First for a large team the team leader updates fields in Precon for the estimators use in HeavyBid. Maybe it is due dates or some custom fields. Another reason for this choice is there are only few estimators (or one), and so whoever is inputting in PreCon knows the data values. It is more convenient to update in PreCon than in each estimate.

Take a look at your Team and see which choice would be the superior one.