Crew Costs Per Hour
If you want to see what hours crew costs are there is a simple report to print that is useful in estimate analysis. Go to Reports>Estimate Resource Reports>Crew Costs. There is an option to see only the crews in your estimate and also to include…
Default Setting to Change-Plug Price
Throughout HeavyBid there are default settings that more than likely you will want to revise. One of them is on the Estimate Information Setup on the first tab. The default is checked for “Apply plug prices to minority goals”. Now if you want this option…
(Video) Billable Rate Estimates in HeavyBid
I train companies that use composite labor and equipment rates in their estimates. The problem with this method of bidding is that the estimator does not know true costs (for budget) or a real profit margin to evaluate the project. That is why companies that…
Status Check – HCSS Services
I didn’t know this existed but with more and more companies using various services provided by HCSS, especially HeavyBid, you can get the current status of each service with this website and you can subscribe to get emails. If there is any one suggestion I…
Change Orders in HeavyBid
This is an article from my friend Ray Zannon who was at one time an estimator and now works for HCSS. He is located in Houston. The article addresses using HeavyBid to do change orders. I am going to try to do a Youtube video…
Owner Supplied Material
I have come across a number of companies that have owner-supplied materials as part of their bids. Normally the contractor has to purchase something like concrete or stone for example so the “2” codes are still valid. However if they want a list of owner-supplied…
Improve Your Excel Skills
Estimators use Excel all the time but I am continuely amazed at the poor use of this tool. For example it is very easy to start a series of numbers and just highlight and click to have it continue to populate each cell. So if…
ASAP Utilities Update
I’ve written about this program before. It fits right into your version of Excel and is a list of preloaded functions that can reformat your data efficiently. For example: deleting unnecessary spaces, making sure numbers are read as numbers, combine contents of cells, and that’s…
Export to Primavera P6
I am not a Primavera P6 user but I do know there is a number of HeavyBid users that are. The HeavyBid development team has done a great job over the years expanding the options of the export. If you are a P6 user you…
Export to Accounting in HeavyBid
The export to Accounting routine is a hidden gem in HeavyBid. The HeavyBid programming team has been working on the current export for over 10 years and what it can do for you is nothing short of amazing. This module is a testament that HCSS…