HeavyBid Version 2021.1.1
If you get my newsletter I had a section on the latest version of HeavyBid (2021.1) that was pulled due to a programming bug. Not a major one but since it was caught so soon after its release it was pulled and just a few…
So You Need to Hire an Estimator
It is very common that I get inquiries about if I know any estimators that could be hired. I never give names of estimators of HCSS customers. It is a policy of mine. But I can give advice on hiring an estimator and here are…
HeavyBid 2021.1
This new version has just been released. It is what I call the “Performance” version as the key focus of the HCSS HeavyBid group was to improve the speed of HeavyBid in key areas. There are a few new features on top of the performance…
Find/Replace an Activity – Video
I did a video showing how to replace an activity already in the estimate with a replacement activity (same or a different one). First let me thank Aaron Allshouse, Estimating Business Solutions Supervisor, with HCSS for giving me the idea when I was presented with…
My 11 Year Anniversary with HCSS
11 Years ago I flew to Houston to interview the HCSS to restart my career as a contract HeavyBid trainer. I previously was a trainer from around 1990 to 2000. So in 2010 HCSS had 100 employees which was astounding to me. And there was…
Add Client Information to the Estimate
If there is one thing I would redesign in HeavyBid it would be the Estimate Information section. Estimators tend to ignore the 2nd and 3rd tabs and at least some of that information could probably fit on the first tab. Information on the client (contact…
Historical moment: First Estimating Open Forum
Two days ago I hosted a small open forum to any estimator that wanted to join. “Historical moment” might be a bit of an over-exaggeration, but there is nothing else out there right now. HCSS has webinars, but nothing where estimators can simply meet and…
Quote Folder Automation – Youtube Video
Here is an excellent video done by Aaron Allshouse with HCSS. There are videos on the Academy also but Aaron is one of the best in terms of general knowledge of HeavyBid. I don’t see why companies don’t have quote folders set up to generate…
Save a Modified Crew Shortcut
When HCSS eliminated the need to go to the “Modify Crew” routine otherwise knows affectionately as the “Cat in the Hat” icon HeavyBid users visited the routine much less frequently. As they did so they either forgot and never noticed the “Copy to a New…
New Tab! In Tree View
This is a Version 2021 feature in HeavyBid that I almost missed. It really does help to read the release notes in the “What’s New” section in HeavyBid. It is the “Crew” tab. It adds a few options especially if you have materials in a…