Last fall I toured the USS Torsk, a WWII submarine, in the Baltimore Harbor. As I walked through I was aware of all the systems around me. Hundreds of hydraulic valves and electrical junctions. Not knowing the correct setting for system aboard the Torsk could be fatal to the crew. HeavyBid is not even remotely as complicated as a WWII submarine but it has lots of settings that get overlooked. Frankly many of these settings are just missed because users don’t know what they don’t know. I have over 3,000 hours in studying HeavyBid so I am pretty good at knowing where to look and what questions to ask and I can do it in a short amount of time. More often than not I find a setting that the estimators were not aware of that affected their estimates. One was the EOE tax setting for outside equipment. Another was not having the workers comp calculate per their insurance companies calculations. HeavyBid has been in development since 1986 with thousands and thousands of suggestions incorporated into the programming. A common problem is estimating staff changes and the current estimators are not aware of the inherited settings in HeavyBid.

USS Torsk – Baltimore

Of course I will plug my services to review your HeavyBid setup (and workflow too) and make changes as necessary. You can at least start reviewing the content of my blog where I cover many of these settings. Go beyond not knowing what you don’t know and dig it deep and seek to understand the settings and options of Heavybid.