The other day I was doing a pre-training session remotely. I start before on-site training discovering what features in HeavyBid will save the estimating team time and increase accuracy. After about 30 minutes of showing them available features the comment was made that just those few routines would have saved one estimator about 3 weeks of work. Equate that to time saved (use $100/hour) and more estimates produced and better accuracy and it will quickly become apparent that knowing HeavyBid well can be a game-changer for a company. A few months ago I decided that my focus will now be helping companies that want to know what features will make them more productive. This is much different than me showing up and just going through HeavyBid with experienced Heavybid users hoping that I will hit upon features by accident. The only way I can discover what an estimating team needs is through dialog and digging into their HeavyBid setup and workflow. Just jumping around in my HeavyBid setup is not going to get me far in discovery. Remove tedious activities from the estimator’s workflow and guess what happens? You have a happier estimator and a more productive one. When I work with a company to improve their estimators’ workflow inside and outside of HeavyBid I shoot for at least a 1:100 ratio where every dollar they spend on training returns about $100 in savings. It is hard to really quantify this but if the company will listen and implement what I recommend I think this might even be a low ratio of actual savings.

Think about 2021 and what you can change for the better in HeavyBid. And get training and/or consider coming to UGM 2022 in Houston!