HCSS HeavyBid Insights
If you have the Advanced or Comprehensive Versions of HeavyBid and don’t know what the title is referring to stop what you are doing and get this set up. It takes 10 minutes to connect and once you grasp all the features of Insights you…
Updating your Master Estimate
Typically companies new to HeavyBid find that they have missed setting up certain labor, equipment or crew. Or maybe you are redoing your Master(s) and want to copy in setups from recent estimates. Obviously you want your Master to have the latest information so you…
Estimate Code – Best Practice
In HeavyBid an estimate code is limited to 12 characters which are more than enough. My opinion is that best practice for an estimate code is a sequential code starting with the year. For example, the code structure would look like this: 20-001, 20-002, 20-003….
Fields to Populate in HeavyBid
I am seeing a lot of estimates recently where estimators are not filling in critical fields in the estimate setup. In NEW ESTIMATE>ESTIMATE INFORMATION on the first tab the location of the project address should be filled in or if there is no address the…
How to access the NEW Pre-Construction App
I have been seeing a lot of interest in the new web app HCSS is rolling out which will assist you in tracking potential projects. It was introduced at the last UGM. You can try it out now for no cost, but the catch is you…
Check Estimate in HeavyBid
At least 50% of the existing HeavyBid users that I train do not use (or even know about) the Check Estimate query. Here are some things that this will find for you: Priced biditems that are priced less than total cost Priced biditems that are…
This is a new notice that will pop up on the opening screen of HeavyBid. If you are using AASHTOWARE be sure to read the HELP screen for this. LINK
HCSS Pre-Construction Info
Here is information on the new Pre-Construction application HCSS has introduced in a preliminary beta web app. Click on below or click here to download flyer. LINK
HeavyBid Coaching
The attached gives more information on my vision of what HeavyBid coaching is and how it works. I am starting to get more interest in this and already have two coaching sessions underway. Let me know if you are interested or just want some more…
Cross Estimate Analysis Report
I find that a lot of estimators don’t know about this report. I think HCSS could put this in a better location so that it is more easily found. The same report can be found in SETUP>SYSTEM WIDE MORE and it is called “Estimate Management”…