Quickly check “Reviewed Required” [Activity]
A customer showed this to me a few weeks ago. When you are in Tree View and an activity is open, you might want to quickly check or uncheck the “Reviewed Required” box. Sure, you can use the mouse and click the box, but you…
Ranking Efficiency and Accuracy in HeavyBid
It is relatively easy to rank methods of creating an estimate in HeavyBid as I have seen them all, and I have been training now for 23 years if I count my time training in the 90s. What is “efficient”? In HeavyBid it is the…
DOT Bidder? Watch this!!
I keep running into estimators who, in AASHTOware or any of the state DOT’s formats (there are many), export to Excel first. THIS IS VERY INEFFICIENT!!!! (I think I am trying to make a point here). Watch the video linked below even if you are…
That would have saved me 3 weeks!
The other day I was doing a pre-training session remotely. I start before on-site training discovering what features in HeavyBid will save the estimating team time and increase accuracy. After about 30 minutes of showing them available features the comment was made that just those…
Signs a Construction Company is Falling Behind
Construction is a tough business. I am in a lot of offices and I see companies that are thriving and I see ones that are fading away. Here are some warning signs that more than likely a company is heading into rough waters. Accounting is…
Export to Accounting in HeavyBid
The export to Accounting routine is a hidden gem in HeavyBid. The HeavyBid programming team has been working on the current export for over 10 years and what it can do for you is nothing short of amazing. This module is a testament that HCSS…
Quote Folder Automation – Youtube Video
Here is an excellent video done by Aaron Allshouse with HCSS. There are videos on the Academy also but Aaron is one of the best in terms of general knowledge of HeavyBid. I don’t see why companies don’t have quote folders set up to generate…
HeavyBid Setup to Date? Quick Test
Here is a quick test to see if you are taking advantage of what is the top major improvement in HeavyBid in the past 10 years. Estimating teams get so busy that they don’t take the time to learn or just don’t update. Here is…
Managing HeavyBid Part 3 – Checklist for a New Year
This comes from a blog I did a while back with a few updates. I always like to do a blog on a checklist in the New Year for estimating teams. This is not a complete list but perhaps this will make companies really start…
Managing HeavyBid Part 2 – Tools>Preferences
Any software has settings and it is critical for the management of HeavyBid to understand the underlying settings and what can be changed to better manage HeavyBid. For example, automatic backups can be stored in one folder while the manual backup in another. HeavyBid puts…